Reflexology is a complementary therapy working on the feet to help heal the whole person. It is a precisely defned form of treatment based on the principle that there are reflex areas in the feet and hands that correspond to all the glands, organs, and structures of the body.
By applying a specifc technique of pressure holds and palpitations to these reflex areas on the feet (and when necessary on the hands), imbalances in the body can be both detected and effectively treated through a system of energy channels. Small crystalline deposits (indicating blockages) are often found and dispersed during treatment, eliminating toxins and improving circulation, restoring the free flow of energy, and effcient distribution of nutrients to the whole body.
Reflexology helps to normalise the body’s functions and recover and maintain a delicate balance between all the systems of the body – Homeostasis – vital for good health and wellbeing.
New Client Reflexology Consultation
*Book a 90 minute consultation when coming with a specific health problem
Follow-up Appointment
Reflexology Foot Massage/Taster Session